Journal Challenges:
Day 23

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Days 21 - 25 focus on noticing.


Day 23:
Mindful Goal Setting


1. Think of a goal you would like to achieve today. This can be anything, big or small.

2. Ground yourself on the floor or in a chair, finding an alert but relaxed posture.

3. Focus on your breath, breathing deeply for 5 breaths.

4. Turn your attention inward and see yourself completing the goal you have just set. Imagine it as vividly as possible, seeing yourself go through the process needed to achieve your goal? How do you feel once you have achieved it? Where do you experience these feelings and sensations in your body?

5. When you have completely visualized achieving your goal, let go of this focus on return to your breath. Take 3 - 5 full and complete breaths. Open your eyes when you are ready.

6. Take a few moments to journal, writing down this goal you set and any reflections based on your meditation. Is this a goal you will keep?


How did this feel?


Today I am thankful for ________________