Yoga & Mindfulness Wellness Guide, 2024-2025

Created by the Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Preparation Program (YMTP²)

The Yoga & Mindfulness Wellness Guide, created by the Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Preparation Program (YMTP²) is a tool that you can use to help ensure that yoga and mindfulness are an active and authentic part of your school community. Meaningful integration of yoga and mindfulness into your day has the ability to transform the school experience in a vast array of positive ways. These outcomes can impact students, staff and families alike.



The focus of December’s yoga and mindfulness practices and resources revolve around the theme of Kindness. The mindful breath practice the Complete Breath, is an invitation to give yourself the gift of self-love and care through the practice of taking focused and intentional breathes. The Complete Breath focuses on noticing the integration of the three parts of the body that are engaged in their breathing.

The accompanying yoga practices this week,
Star Pose & Squatting Star Pose invites students to engage in a flow that celebrates their own greatness and resilience and allows them to flow with self-compassion and self-love. The integration of mindful practices, such as these, into school communities helps spread a web of kindness that has the capacity to impact and embrace all community members.

If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.

— Dolly Parton