Professional Learning Opportunities
The Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher Preparation Program (YMTP²) offers several ongoing professional development experiences during the academic school year. These include the three offerings described below as well as weekly yoga and mindfulness classes for students, school community members, and families offered via Livestreams.
YMTP² offerings are unique Social Emotional Learning opportunities that benefit school communities in a number of ways including the potential for increased self-awareness to understand the connection between feelings, emotions, and responses, enhanced levels of resilience and agency, and provide alternate coping skills and strategies.
Yoga & Mindfulness Intensive
The Yoga and Mindfulness Intensives are 4-day sessions designed to meet unique and specific needs of New York City teachers and other school-based staff with an emphasis on self-care. The purpose is to enhance self-awareness and to introduce and deepen yoga and mindfulness practices which may lead to increased classroom and school house efficacy.
The techniques taught include multiple movement and mindfulness practices that may be incorporated into daily school routines. Participants will gain knowledge of the multiple movements and mindfulness techniques as well as increase their professional network. Attendance is mandatory for all 4 sessions.
Mindful De-Escalation
The Mindful De-Escalation sessions are designed to address many of the social emotional needs of school communities. The sessions provide a mindful framework to understand and focus on improving behavior prevention, intervention and response as well as improving the quality of relationships.
Yoga & Mindfulness Overview
The Yoga & Mindfulness Overview is an introduction to the mindfulness and movement practices of YMTP². Participants will engage in several yoga and mindfulness techniques and become aware of the unique benefits that yoga and mindfulness practices offer school communities.
Please explore our website to learn more about YMTP², explore our virtual practices, and access yoga, mindfulness, wellness, crisis, and racial equity resources.