Yoga Practice:
Half Sun Salutation
The Half Sun Salutation is a yoga flow often used as a warm-up for the longer sequence and is a good way to start a home practice session. Each movement can be synched to one breath or multiple breathes depending on the rhythm you wish to move in.
1. From Mountain pose, on an inhale sweep your arms out to the sides and up overhead, lifting through the chest to Reaching Mountain pose.
2. On an exhale, hinge forward from the hips over straight legs or bent knees into Standing Forward Fold.
3. On an inhale, hold the hips steady as you engage and lengthen through the spine from the tail to the top of your head in Pike Pose. Brace your hands on blocks or legs for support.
4. On an exhale, release and relax the spine down to return to Standing Forward Fold.
5. On an inhale, rise up through Pike Pose with bent knees and into Reaching Mountain.
6. On an exhale, release the arms by the sides and return to Mountain Pose.
7. Integrate for a breath before continuing.
Helpful Hints:
Never overdo or force any yoga movement. If you begin to experience discomfort or pain, release the posture. Find a variation of the posture that serves your body and practice best.
Practice with self-compassion and non-judgement
Half Sun Salutation can be done standing, in a chair, or using a chair as a prop.
Content from NYCDOE YMTP² curricular materials