Yoga Practice:
Sun Salutation
The sun salutation is a yoga flow often used as a warm-up for the longer sequence and is a good way to start a home practice session. Each movement can be synched to one breath or multiple breathes depending on the rhythm you wish to move in.
1. Mountain Pose, inhale to Reaching Mountain
2. Exhale and hinge forward to Standing Forward Fold
3. Inhale with a flat back to Pike Pose
4. Exhale and hinge forward to Standing Forward Fold.
5. Inhale to step back to High Plank.
6. Exhale and release your body all the way to the mat.
7. Inhale to Cobra/Locust/Upward Dog
8. Exhale release to Downward Dog
9. Breathe in Downward Dog
10. Exhale and step to Standing Forward Fold
11. Inhale with a straight back to Pike Pose
12. Inhale up to Reaching Mountain
13. Exhale to Mountain Pose
Sun Salutation Using a Chair as a Prop
Helpful Hints:
Never overdo or force any yoga movement. If you begin to experience discomfort or pain, release the posture. Find a variation of the posture that serves your body and practice best.
Practice with self-compassion and non-judgement
Sun Salutation can be done standing, in a chair, or using a chair as a prop.
Content from NYCDOE YMTP² curricular materials